facebook marketing mistakes

Change your Facebook Marketing Game by Avoiding these 8 Mistakes

Facebook is one of the pioneer ways employed by businesses to market their products. It provides a huge pool of audience throughout the globe and thus proves to be a substantial way to attract potential customers. A good marketer would not overlook Facebook’s potential, and its ability to affect its brand. However, there are some subtle mistakes that can impede a brand’s successful Facebook marketing campaign. These are literally F-A-C-E-B-O-O-K! Confused? Read on…

facebook marketing mistakes

F – Failing to completely fill the brand page

It is crucial to fill out every detail on your brand page such as the address, cover photo and contact information that is easily accessible by the visitors. You should be sure to update your address if you are expanding to newer locations. Along with this, sharing similar URLs for the Web, Facebook, and Twitter handle will earn you extra brownie points; changing URL/Facebook page can be misleading.

AAdvertisements budget restraints

Advertising becomes tricky if you are on a tight budget. Many advertisers fail to leverage the perks of Facebook as a vital tool for advertising due to their budget restraints. These tools are meticulously created and designed to measure the performance of the ads and to track which ad is performing better over a period of time.

C – Cover photo

The cover photo of your page must be really catchy and it should epitomize the essence of the brand at the same time. It should encapsulate the look, the feel, and everything the brand wants to convey. Facebook has laid out certain guidelines for designing the cover page which one must abide by. The following aspects should not be done –  

  1. Asking your audience to ‘like’, ‘comment’, ‘share’, and such other call-to-action buttons should be avoided.
  2. Have any sort of contact information such as email ID, contact number or web URL.
  3. Highlighting discounts such as ‘20% off on purchase of Rs. 10,000 and above’.  

E – Elaborate texts

The principle of ‘less is more’ holds true here, as researchers have found that posts with around 150 characters are more likely to garner audience’s attention. They receive 50% more likes and traction than the posts which exceed more than 150 characters. Keep your texts short, crisp and relevant. Since humans are more driven to visuals than texts, you should definitely incorporate images. You should keep the text conversational by posing questions and increasing audience participation.

B – Blind eye to Facebook Insights

The ‘Facebook Insight Link’ is truly your treasure chest. It will give you loads of information regarding how well your page is faring. It will monitor results of each post – reach, likes, most viral post, the source of traffic, paid vs. organic traffic and relative measures. You can use this gathered information to maximize your results by spear-heading your efforts in the right direction. This will help you analyze what worked best in the past, the best time to post and figure out which post connects well with your audience.

O – Over-posting content

Over-killing your page with content is a big no-no. Since the audience always prefers quality over quantity, providing them with top-notch content is way better than feeding them will a long trail of average posts. They might also unlike or unfollow your page if it occurs as spammy content. Also, make sure to respond to the comments on your posts as much as you can, and do not leave any complaints from your customers unheard. People are less likely to come back to you if they feel ignored.

O – One size fits all

Every brand has a range of products and customer segments. It is crucial to identify these segments and post content which is targeted towards them and engages them. Posting all your messages on your page would instead alienate your followers. Along with this, post targeting is a great way to reach only those users who would find a specific piece of content engaging.

K – Connect during the best suited times

Posting during the peak hours is a great way to maximize your reach to your target audience. Since people usually work from 9 to 7 pm, it is essential to understand your audience and post at an appropriate time. Nothing can stop your post form going viral if it is creative enough and posted at the right time.


We are sure this blog took you through the subtle yet effective F-A-C-E-B-O-O-K marketing mistakes you might be unaware of. Resolve these and you can take your Facebook marketing strategies to the next level! For further help, you can reach out to TranzDigi, a leading Digital Marketing Company in Mumbai!

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