Google Friendly Content TranzDigi Content Marketing Company in mumbai

Good content is the key to increase traffic and boost search engine rankings. The content positioning on the website is also important. Moreover, there has to be a flow of fresh and crisp content. Presently, Google is the best search engines on the internet and it totally ranks the website based on a few important factors with the ultimate agenda being “Intent” – to serve what the users demand.

Businesses and entrepreneurs realized the inherent power of appearing organically at the top of any search.  Experts and marketers have been playing with the giant search engine’s innards by building massive links and content farms, spinning low-quality articles, and auto-generating links in an effort to overpower other listings and secure the top spots. They have found that high-quality content attracts Google. Now, you may be wondering how to go about creating high-quality Google-friendly content.

Google Friendly Content. Content Marketing Company in Mumbai TranzDigi

Remember to E-A-T. Now, what is E-A-T? Let’s find out!

What is E-A-T

 To rank on Google you need to work on your brand to build its Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness which is also called E-A-T.  Every webpage on a site needs E-A-T. Let’s discuss this in detail!

E- How to Create an Expert Content?

  • Find out what your audience is searching for and you need to fill up their needs. That is called keyword research. The most important thing is to understand the user’s intent when you are doing keyword research. Also make sure the keyword is highly searched.
  • Make sure your text is easy, simple and understandable.
  • What your users next query and prepare content according to that query.

A – How to improve Authority of your Brand/ website?

  • Create shareable content. Content that is widely shared improves authority.
  • Having a Wikipedia page improves the brand authority
  • Branding strategy is important to improve your authority score
  • Quality and relevant backlinks from existing high authority websites will help build your authority score
  • You can check the authority using the MOZ Domain Authority tool

T – How to prove your Trustworthiness?

  • Your website should have a “Contact us” page with relevant and authentic details
  • Privacy policy on the website is must
  • Make sure your website domain is secure
  • The overall website should share relevant information

Content is the King and it is essential for businesses to maintain and post unique and interesting write-ups to engage the users. Pay attention to the structure, the headings and subheadings as well as images.

That’s all folks! For any further help you may contact us at TranzDigi, a leading Digital Marketing Agency in Mumbai!

1 thought on “How to Create Google Friendly Content

  1. Great article! I really appreciate the clear and detailed insights you’ve provided on this topic. It’s always refreshing to read content that breaks things down so well, making it easy for readers to grasp even complex ideas. I also found the practical tips you’ve shared to be very helpful. Looking forward to more informative posts like this! Keep up the good work!

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